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Choices, Voices, and Sole blog


The Choices, Voices, and Sole blog focused on relationships, politics, and shoes. Darby ran the blog for seven years as a way to express herself about 3 of her biggest passions. At its peak, the blog had an average of 300 hits a day.


In Choices, Voices, and Sole, Darby often gave tips and advice about shoe purchases, wrote creative stories, discussed relationships and delved into the political arena (especially regarding women). She used her personal experiences to provide for her unique and unfiltered perspective, but she was sure to remind readers that she was not an expert on love and relationships. Instead, she was someone who was willing to share her experiences and create a dialogue around them.


Darby also added a podcast entitled Girl Talk which featured some of her closest girls discussing relationship issues, as another way to continuously expand the capabilities of the blog.

The blog was nominated for Best Sex or Relationship blog in the Black Weblog Awards two years in a row, and was also nominated for Best Writing in a blog, Best Personal blog, and Best Blog Post Series (for the Shoe Stories).


To read more, visit it at Choices, Voices, and Sole.


Photo credit: Studio Hue LA

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